Please provide all requested information to register for our Learn to Row session.
Program fees: $200.00 (includes Taxes and Rowing Canada/Rowing BC Membership Fees). $160.00 for 4 day week. Rowers who have completed a previous Learn to Row course receive 20% off. Receive 10% off your registration if you sign up 2 friends in the same week. Following completion of the Learn to Row session, youth are eligible to row for the remainder of the summer at a cost of $60 per week.
RCA Membership: Rowing Canada Association (RCA) provides general liability and support services to rowing clubs in Canada. RCA fees are included in your Learn to Row fee.
Privacy Statement: All personal information given by participants will only be used for administration and regular communication with respect to the rowing programs. Your information will not be sold or given to anyone else with commercial intentions or otherwise.